Listen in as Dr. Strachan discusses the call to share in suffering for Christ.
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Equipping the city of God to bear witness in the city of man.
Subscribe on iTunesSubscribe on AndroidSubscribe to Podcast RSSSubscribe on StitcherIn the latest episode of the City of God, Dr. Owen Strachan breaks down seven ideas of “woke” ideology, exposing their flaws and shortcomings in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. True unity can only be found in Christ.
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Listen in as Dr. Owen Strachan discusses the recent story of Daniel Haydel, who heroically rescued a family of four from a car submerged in a river, and the biblical call for strong men.
In the episode, Dr. Strachan gives three thoughts about strong manhood in 2021.
If you like what you hear on the City of God, be sure to subscribe to the show in your favorite podcasting app.
The days are evil. This season is crazy. How can Christians not only survive but thrive in times when the world and the devil are playing offense against us? Join Dr. Owen Strachan as he gives Christians a battle plan for 2021 and beyond.
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How do we think about the supposed silence of God? Listen in as Dr. Strachan discusses four ways that we can think about times when God seems silent.
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Listen in as Dr. Owen Strachan discusses the ‘Equality Act’ passed by the U. S. House of Representatives on February 25, 2021. The ‘Equality Act’ makes gender identity a protected class in the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In this episode, Dr. Strachan gives six ways that the ‘Equality Act’ could fundamentally change things in America. In short, the ‘Equality Act’ will not make America more equal.
Read the two mentioned pieces from the Heritage Foundation here and here.
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